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Ma-Jik Lures, formerly known as Les Leurres Indiens du Québec, is a Quebec-based business that has manufactured fishing lures since the late 1960s. That is why the company’s logo features an Indian and why so many of the lures are named after rivers in Quebec.

The company underwent considerable change in the 1990s. The manufacturing process was modified for a superior quality finish and the products were marketed more aggressively. A new sales structure was established to considerably broaden the clientele. Finally, products were added to better meet the needs and suit the tastes of a variety of fishermen and women.

We manufacture each product we sell. Our spoon lures are all made of copper or brass. The thickness, width and length will vary depending on the model. We produce nine different fishing lure models, which are offered in over 250 different combinations: different lengths, a variety of finishes (nickel, black nickel, copper, brass, silver, etc.), a number of different paints, reflective or shiny prisms or ribbon tails. All of our spoon lures have a mirror finish and are coated with an anticorrosive product.

Two of our lure modules are available in the magnum version, which is twice as thick and therefore twice as heavy. These help you reach greater depths and are more effective in certain situations, such as in warm weather when the fish stay away from the surface.