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Glow in the Dark

Activate in direct sunlight (a powerful flashlight will do the trick if the sun does not want to cooperate) and catch fishes for about 30 minutes.
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White remains visible whether you are fishing on the surface of the water or in the depths. Moreover, it is the colour of most of the bait fish that larger fish prefer.
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This spoon lure will surprise those using it for the first time. It is very effective, even in cloudy weather or at day’s end, because its colour creates a reflection that remains highly visible, thus continuing to attract fish under these conditions. The addition of reflective tape enhances this feature.
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These spoon lures are twice as thick and twice as heavy as a regular lure of the same model, allowing them to sink about 15 feet. They are especially effective in warm weather since several fish species, such as lake trout (lake char) and brook trout (brook char) stay in the depths, seeking water that is between 10°C and 17°C. These lures can also be used to fish large walleyes because they remain at 10 to 20 feet. The Magnum spoon lure is a must-have for the tackle box because it allows you to make unexpected catches in various circumstances.
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